Monday 10 April 2017

Excellence 2 Leadership

This week we had tech like every week we always have it on a Thursday.I am now in the science group wich is our second group for the year our teacher is Mr Ruseon.I am really looking forward to this pentad as I really like science and overall learning about how science works.Unfortunately It had been raining the whole week and it ws also today.his made morning tea at tech really hard as we only got to go just outside our classroom and only got some fresh air but it was better than nothing.I think this made it hard as people were full of energy but were not able to let there energy out wich made them a little energetic for class but other wise was pretty fun.We just chose the element of the day rb wich is the sybol for rubidium.Rubidium is a really powerfull solid.

Overall I think I showed respect as I was really resoectfull to the teacher.

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