Thursday, 9 June 2016

pals excellence #1

yesterday for pals Alex Tracy and I ran a game of strategy  a version of capture the flag for the kauri team we had a game of girls verse boys it went well I think I showed respect by being patient when explaining the rules.

1.we set up the game it was a bit hard since some of the boys interfered while playing soccer.

2.we tried to find some kids who wanted to play luckily we had a range of people.

3.we explained the rules but some people were not listening but we came up with a way to get them more motivated to be quiet by pozis.

4.last, we played the game we decided to join but mainly just ran the game.

overall I think the game went well but it could have been better if we chose a better spot were it was not crowded.

I think I showed leadership by motivating the kids to play the game.

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