Thursday, 20 October 2016
Monday, 17 October 2016
Find fractions, decimals, and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals.
problem and explanation:
W.A.LT : find fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers,simple fractions and decimals.
68 is 37.40 the first jeans are cheaper by 3.80.
The second tracksuit is cheaper because 25% 64 is 48 and 30% of 86 is 60.2.The second track suit is cheaper by 22.20.
The first sweat shirt is cheaper than the second because 30% of 60 is 42 and 40% off 72$ is 43.20 the first sweat shirt is cheaper than 1.20 the second one.
the first jacket 30% off 120 is 84 and the second one is 76.80 so this one is cheaper.
I figured all of these out by first turning the percent into a fraction then timing it by the cost and dividing by the fractions denominator.then misusing the from the total cost.
The least you could spend would be 200.40 and the most would be 224.80 you could save 24.40
link to task 1,task 2,task 3 and task 4
W.A.LT : find fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers,simple fractions and decimals.
68 is 37.40 the first jeans are cheaper by 3.80.
The second tracksuit is cheaper because 25% 64 is 48 and 30% of 86 is 60.2.The second track suit is cheaper by 22.20.
The first sweat shirt is cheaper than the second because 30% of 60 is 42 and 40% off 72$ is 43.20 the first sweat shirt is cheaper than 1.20 the second one.
the first jacket 30% off 120 is 84 and the second one is 76.80 so this one is cheaper.
I figured all of these out by first turning the percent into a fraction then timing it by the cost and dividing by the fractions denominator.then misusing the from the total cost.
The least you could spend would be 200.40 and the most would be 224.80 you could save 24.40
link to task 1,task 2,task 3 and task 4
Thursday, 22 September 2016
link to video
Walt: communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions,distance and grid references.
I learnt how to find directions on a grid with negative numbers.
I found challenging when I had to go from one place to another on a grid, and following directions as I got mixed up with left and right when I had been;doing it for to long.
Walt: communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions,distance and grid references.
I learnt how to find directions on a grid with negative numbers.
I found challenging when I had to go from one place to another on a grid, and following directions as I got mixed up with left and right when I had been;doing it for to long.
Visual Art: WALT: Apply knowledge about shapes and patterns derived from nature into an original artwork
For Visual Art the SOLO level I achieved was: Relational because I think I could have made mine more to do with nature like Kay George but I use the water techniques in my painting.
The 3 Visual Art techniques I used in my art work to achieve this level were: how to move water colours,shading with water colours,glazing.
Here is a photo of my artwork:
My next step in visual art is: To make it more to do with nature.[Like Kay Georges.]
Friday, 16 September 2016
Koru games.
The activity I did was: volley ball
Two highlights of the Koru Games:[1. getting to meet new people and have fun.][getting the ball over during rally's and getting good serves.
I was proud of my serves and setting because my serves were aimed right and my set were easy for people to spike over.
Next year I would like to still play volley ball and improve my digs and passing the ball during rally's.
Two highlights of the Koru Games:[1. getting to meet new people and have fun.][getting the ball over during rally's and getting good serves.
I was proud of my serves and setting because my serves were aimed right and my set were easy for people to spike over.
Next year I would like to still play volley ball and improve my digs and passing the ball during rally's.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
how i am going with my care ticks.
CARE: My progress so far
The CARE award that I am working towards is: silver
The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is: respect because: It is easier and can be shown everywhere more easily.
The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is: excellence because: I do not have as much ticks in it.
To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by doing/showing these leadership traits: trustworthy , honest,caring.
On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: because: I have got my bronze and working hard to get my excellence and getting ticks often and if your doing that you are role model to others.
Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.
I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.
I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Library 7 excellence
Today for library we had a pretty quite day but still we had lots of books but we put them away pretty quickly we only had to just put books away and where at the desk.
we also learnt how to reserve books because we have got this question over at lest 5 times and we have never known how to do it so we learn was really easy.
first we just ad to search the book on fast-find then we clicked the book they wanted then we clicked and reserved it for the appropriate person who wanted it.We also showed some of the year 5/6 ow they ca reserve there on books on the new website were you can search,recommend,review and reserve books which will help them to reserve books wen ever they like which will be easier for us as well.
C.A.R.E VALUE I SOWED: I think I showed active thinking because I sowed others how to use the website.
we also learnt how to reserve books because we have got this question over at lest 5 times and we have never known how to do it so we learn was really easy.
first we just ad to search the book on fast-find then we clicked the book they wanted then we clicked and reserved it for the appropriate person who wanted it.We also showed some of the year 5/6 ow they ca reserve there on books on the new website were you can search,recommend,review and reserve books which will help them to reserve books wen ever they like which will be easier for us as well.
C.A.R.E VALUE I SOWED: I think I showed active thinking because I sowed others how to use the website.
Friday, 2 September 2016
Information report on the water cycle.
The Hydraulic cycle,also known as the water cycle,is the process of water going through land,ocean and atmosphere.The water cycle is also a process that round and round to create water for us to use in everyday life, and without it we wouldn't be alive or else severally sick.The water cycle comes in three different forms through out the water cycle process liquid,gas and solid.
Evaporation is simply where liquid/water,turns into a vapor gas,[going up is most likely greater on a hot day.]
because warm air can hold more moisture, why? because it is just that;at higher temperatures water molecules are more likely to go in the water phase,so there will be more water vapor in the air in a hot day.
Another point, is that in some arid climates, sometimes ice (solid particles.) can turn into a cloud vapor ; this is quite common in dry arid climates.After, this step is completed,the next step is condensation followed by precipitation.
Evaporation is simply where liquid/water,turns into a vapor gas,[going up is most likely greater on a hot day.]
because warm air can hold more moisture, why? because it is just that;at higher temperatures water molecules are more likely to go in the water phase,so there will be more water vapor in the air in a hot day.
Another point, is that in some arid climates, sometimes ice (solid particles.) can turn into a cloud vapor ; this is quite common in dry arid climates.After, this step is completed,the next step is condensation followed by precipitation.
Condensation and Precipitation are yet another major steps in the water cycle.condensation is the cloud forming stage.If the vapor cools to 0 degrees ; it will start to condense as water and will start to fall when.when a drop/droplet is big enough gravity will start to pull it down ; this step in the water cycle is called Precipitation. If the water temperature gets called in the sky it can cause hail or snow if not it will just rain.Also cool temperatures is good for condensation because as long as the temperatures are cool in the atmosphere it can hold the vapor and delay condensation. After condensation, and Precipitation, Runoff and groundwater are next, as Precipitation has fallen for runoff to do its thing.
Saturday, 27 August 2016
library 6 excellence.
Today for pals Tracy and I did our librarian duty as we usually do on a Monday.
Unfortunately today we had lots of books away the whole shelf was fulled with books.It is not that hard but usually on a Monday we have lots and lots of people so it is hard to put books away and be at the library desk at the same time although we resolved by taking turns between putting books away and serving at the desk which was a lot easier and got the books away quicker.
After we had finished putting the books away we started to renew and return our own and then put the remaining books that people had returned after we had put the ones that were at the started at first then we just finished some other renewing and returns ten we closed the library and we had some time left but as it was really cold outside we stayed inside since we were allowed to first I just read a little bit of my book wile waiting to play mancala against Tracy or Alex I read the book Chinese Cinderella and a little bit of little women as classics are one of my favorite books to read.
After I just played a quick game of mancala and won and by then the bell had gone so we went to class the end.
CARE VALUE I SHOWED:Active thinking/excellence because I used my time wisely by getting out my own books and renewing and returning them and just doing my best.
Unfortunately today we had lots of books away the whole shelf was fulled with books.It is not that hard but usually on a Monday we have lots and lots of people so it is hard to put books away and be at the library desk at the same time although we resolved by taking turns between putting books away and serving at the desk which was a lot easier and got the books away quicker.
After we had finished putting the books away we started to renew and return our own and then put the remaining books that people had returned after we had put the ones that were at the started at first then we just finished some other renewing and returns ten we closed the library and we had some time left but as it was really cold outside we stayed inside since we were allowed to first I just read a little bit of my book wile waiting to play mancala against Tracy or Alex I read the book Chinese Cinderella and a little bit of little women as classics are one of my favorite books to read.
After I just played a quick game of mancala and won and by then the bell had gone so we went to class the end.
CARE VALUE I SHOWED:Active thinking/excellence because I used my time wisely by getting out my own books and renewing and returning them and just doing my best.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
pals excellence 10.
Today for Pals Tracy,Alex and I did pals for kakano we played tag games since we have never done tag games.
First, we set up and then I went around telling the kakano that we had pals after that we explained how you can earn pozis and how to play.
Secondly, we played the game octopus and we gave out a lot pozis and a little more to the students who were trying there best and showing care values to motivate children to do even better,although everyone was trying there best and showing care values.
After we switched the game to tricky tag aka all in tag which we thought people liked greater than octopus,Alex Tracy and I also got involved which got the kids a fun target to try and made them try harder to try and get us.After that the bell rang and we packed up we had some helpers who helped pack up and we rewarded them with pozis for showing care values.
Overall: we had a successful pals duty and did really well.
C.A.R.E VALUES: I think I sowed community by getting involved and showing excellence as it was really windy.
First, we set up and then I went around telling the kakano that we had pals after that we explained how you can earn pozis and how to play.
Secondly, we played the game octopus and we gave out a lot pozis and a little more to the students who were trying there best and showing care values to motivate children to do even better,although everyone was trying there best and showing care values.
After we switched the game to tricky tag aka all in tag which we thought people liked greater than octopus,Alex Tracy and I also got involved which got the kids a fun target to try and made them try harder to try and get us.After that the bell rang and we packed up we had some helpers who helped pack up and we rewarded them with pozis for showing care values.
Overall: we had a successful pals duty and did really well.
C.A.R.E VALUES: I think I sowed community by getting involved and showing excellence as it was really windy.
Reading,grammatical constructions
I can recognize and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns
In this unit I have been learning about:
- The parts of speech.
- The types of nouns.
- The types of sentences.
In this unit, I found challenging… Trying to remember the different descriptions/meaning for each of the nouns e.g pronouns,pronoun etc.
Something new I learnt was... what a conjunction is,it ties a word e.g and,but,or,so.
I know now what it is.
Saturday, 13 August 2016
library 5 excellence
Today for library Tracy Alisha and I had our librarian duty as per usual on a Monday but today there were lots of people in the library because it was cold outside.
firstly, we put away the books then we stated to issue books as we put them away as we went. After about ten minutes of a long line of people, and rush, people started to sit down so then me and Tracy could renew and return books once that was finished we put away some books that people had left lying around the library after that we closed the library and all the children had gone.
after we had closed the library we found a big pile of books on the table so we put them away and then sat down while alex taught us a trick to do with the computer.
firstly, we put away the books then we stated to issue books as we put them away as we went. After about ten minutes of a long line of people, and rush, people started to sit down so then me and Tracy could renew and return books once that was finished we put away some books that people had left lying around the library after that we closed the library and all the children had gone.
after we had closed the library we found a big pile of books on the table so we put them away and then sat down while alex taught us a trick to do with the computer.
TODAY FOR PALS: Alex Tracy and I did pals we ran a game of octopus on the kakano courts.
first, we started off by setting up then by gathering people and telling them the rules of the game,It was quite easy since everyone knew how to play.
Then,we started to plat the game and give pozis to people who were showing there care values and playing by the rules after awhile, when the game was going good we had a small argument to of the boys were having a argument to do with the rules about moving seaweed but we sorted it out quickly.
Lastly we gave out pozis and packed up we had some boys who helped out so we gave them pozis for showing the care values and for helping us.overall we had a successful lunchtime.
CARE VALUE I SHOWED: excellence because I tried my best to resolve the problems so that everyone was happy.
first, we started off by setting up then by gathering people and telling them the rules of the game,It was quite easy since everyone knew how to play.
Then,we started to plat the game and give pozis to people who were showing there care values and playing by the rules after awhile, when the game was going good we had a small argument to of the boys were having a argument to do with the rules about moving seaweed but we sorted it out quickly.
Lastly we gave out pozis and packed up we had some boys who helped out so we gave them pozis for showing the care values and for helping us.overall we had a successful lunchtime.
CARE VALUE I SHOWED: excellence because I tried my best to resolve the problems so that everyone was happy.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
leadership excellence #5
Today we swapped from the buddy program to te hapua with miss o as our new teacher.
The weather was alright but a little windy and cold.
first, we walked down to te hapua with Liz and miss o.
Then,when we arrived, Audrey and Danny the people who were going to teach us about three d printing then, they showed us some videos to do with three d printing e.g benefits of three d printing we even saw some cars made out of big three d printers that you can actually drive in.
After,we started to just play around with the three d website like how to use the different tools and then started to plan out our design our three d thing we wanted i tried to make a i pad cover it was a lot harder than it looks but unfortunately I accidentally deleted but it was lucky that they actually wont be printing or making anything today it was just a play around but at least I learnt to be careful and I know what to make.
C.A.R.E VALUE I SHOWED WAS: respect by listening to Audrey and Danny and just do what Iam told
Today we swapped from the buddy program to te hapua with miss o as our new teacher.
The weather was alright but a little windy and cold.
first, we walked down to te hapua with Liz and miss o.
Then,when we arrived, Audrey and Danny the people who were going to teach us about three d printing then, they showed us some videos to do with three d printing e.g benefits of three d printing we even saw some cars made out of big three d printers that you can actually drive in.
After,we started to just play around with the three d website like how to use the different tools and then started to plan out our design our three d thing we wanted i tried to make a i pad cover it was a lot harder than it looks but unfortunately I accidentally deleted but it was lucky that they actually wont be printing or making anything today it was just a play around but at least I learnt to be careful and I know what to make.
C.A.R.E VALUE I SHOWED WAS: respect by listening to Audrey and Danny and just do what Iam told
leadership #5 excellence.
Today we went from buddy program to te hapua to learn about three D printing at first I was not as interested in computer and making stuff using websites but when we go there it was quite fun.
1. we started to walk down to te hapua since it was not very far we had about 32 kids, including miss o and Liz to help us get down there.
2, Then,when we arrived there we sat down and we had to teachers to teach us Danny and the other I can not remember first introduced themselves then showed us what 3D printing really was how it is made and works.
3.after,we put away our bags and started on the big touchscreen computers we designed what we wanted to print and watched the benefits of 3D printing benefits video and continuing to design our creation using the computer on a 3D website I designed a I pad cover but it got deleted but i did not really matter since we will really start next week.
Leadership I showed respect because I showed respect to the teachers Audrey and Danny by listening and not do what I am not supposed to do.
pals 6 excellence.
On Wednesday Alex,Tracy and I did pals we supposed to do kauri but we got a mixture because the kakano were not on we played small field football but had to make the field bigger gradually as we got more and more people.
1. we put our vests on, unfortunately there were no pozis for us to hand out.
2.we set up near the fence on the at the start we only had 2 kids after about 2 minutes we had about 15 to 20.
3.then we just watched as we were on kauri so the kids were a bit more mature then the kakano team as they fight a little bit more,although we had a couple kakano but were year threes.
4.we finished the game as soon as the bell rang because people were having lots of fun luckily we had lots of people who helped packed up.
THINGS TO REMEMBER : ask for pozis from teachers on duty.And to probably star a little early.
1. we put our vests on, unfortunately there were no pozis for us to hand out.
2.we set up near the fence on the at the start we only had 2 kids after about 2 minutes we had about 15 to 20.
3.then we just watched as we were on kauri so the kids were a bit more mature then the kakano team as they fight a little bit more,although we had a couple kakano but were year threes.
4.we finished the game as soon as the bell rang because people were having lots of fun luckily we had lots of people who helped packed up.
THINGS TO REMEMBER : ask for pozis from teachers on duty.And to probably star a little early.
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Library 3 excellence
Today for library Alex Sasha and I did our librarian duty I normally do it on a Monday but I had missed it because of basketball training.
DAY : Friday.
First,we just put the books away.
Then,I issued a couple of books and returned some,I needed some help returning a book as I have never returned a book before but go to learn it really quick.
Then I choose a book for the weekends I choose the book Hene and the burning harbor
And geek girl picture perfect.
C.A.R.E :I thinker I showed excellence because I tried my best to do a good and be nice overall.
DAY : Friday.
First,we just put the books away.
Then,I issued a couple of books and returned some,I needed some help returning a book as I have never returned a book before but go to learn it really quick.
Then I choose a book for the weekends I choose the book Hene and the burning harbor
And geek girl picture perfect.
C.A.R.E :I thinker I showed excellence because I tried my best to do a good and be nice overall.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
excellence 4 library
Today for library we had something different; as we had a training session on how to use this website which on were you can reserve and renew books you can also suggest books and review books ext.but we did have to put only a couple of books away and possibly only get books out for ourselves as the library was closed due to the training.
people that have library with me: Tracy and sometimes Alisha.
first, Mrs ward and Mrs pattern showed us how to use website the website and how all the features work.
Then,we watched a video telling us how to use it for further information as we learnt some new feature that were included in the website.
lastly, when the training was done Tracy and I put the books away, I put all the senior fiction books away.And then got myself a couple of books as Mrs ward helped me choose some classic books e.g hied i and the secret garden and another one which I did my self.
C.A.R.E VALUE I SHOWED: respect because ... i showed respect as Mrs ward and M rs pattern were talking and I was overall being polite.
people that have library with me: Tracy and sometimes Alisha.
first, Mrs ward and Mrs pattern showed us how to use website the website and how all the features work.
Then,we watched a video telling us how to use it for further information as we learnt some new feature that were included in the website.
lastly, when the training was done Tracy and I put the books away, I put all the senior fiction books away.And then got myself a couple of books as Mrs ward helped me choose some classic books e.g hied i and the secret garden and another one which I did my self.
C.A.R.E VALUE I SHOWED: respect because ... i showed respect as Mrs ward and M rs pattern were talking and I was overall being polite.
Leadership excellence 7 pals.
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Leadership excellence 5 pals
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Leadership excellence 3 pals
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Leadership excellence 4 pals
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Today Alex Tracy and I did pals for juniors as from now on the boys referee soccer and the girls do only juniors pals.
We played a game of soccer as that is one of the most popular games.We mainly only had boys and one girl.
First we set up luckily we already had a couple of year three boys who we're willing to play and help set up.
Next Tracy Alex and I sorted out the teams firstly we tried to let them choose team but it didn't work out very well so we just did random and still let people kinda have a couple friends on each side.(this is something I will remember next time to use the random technic for next time as it worked out very well.
Afterwards we ran the game we were going good until some of the boys kept teasing each other and only because someone would kick it out of the cones.
Then we tried to resolve the problem but everyone was angry at Sam who we did not see do anything so we told there teacher but we kind of had sorted it out.Though otherwise the game went quite well and every body got a pozi.
C.A.R.E values I showed were community because I tried to get involved in a positive way and was being a caring friends to those who were upset.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
The best possible outcome.[maths.]
Rich Assessment Task: WALT: Use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles and the volumes of cuboids.
1. 6 by 6 [all around]
Because first I drew the different tables that made 36 and found the smallest one which was 6 by 6.
2. 6 by 8
I used the same strategy as the first one but for 48 which was 6 by 8. 3. 3 bags. I went 20 times 30 = 600 and we have bags that will cover 200 square meter so if you go 200 times 3 =600.So the answer is 3 bags.
1. 6 by 6 [all around]
Because first I drew the different tables that made 36 and found the smallest one which was 6 by 6.
2. 6 by 8
I used the same strategy as the first one but for 48 which was 6 by 8. 3. 3 bags. I went 20 times 30 = 600 and we have bags that will cover 200 square meter so if you go 200 times 3 =600.So the answer is 3 bags.
Rich Assessment Task: WALT: Use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles and the volumes of cuboids.
Complete the 3 problems below on a blog post and then press submit on Google classroom.
The best possible outcome
Problem 3:
Friday, 29 July 2016
My care progress.
I have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year.
I am proud of my progress/ I am doing ok/ I feel I could do much better.
(Highlight the one that applies to you and delete the ones that don’t)
Give reasons for the answer that you have highlighted above. because I almost have my bronze but some people have already got theirs.
How far away are you from reaching your BRONZE/SILVER? I have got mine but waiting for a teacher conference.
The area of CARE that I need to try harder in C / A / R / E ( Highlight the ones that apply to you and give reasons why you have highlighted them.) cause I don't have the small tick for it.
To achieve my BRONZE/SILVER award quicker I need to remember to put ticks in.
The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is remember to put ticks in.
We will review CARE progress again at the end of the term.
3D printing te hapua.
Today we have been learning about 3D printing, here is what we learnt, google slide.
I worked with Savannah we think worked very well.
I worked with Savannah we think worked very well.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
describing adverbial clauses blog post.
I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.
For reading I have been learning about adverbial clauses. I have found this learning interesting and helpful at the same time because I can use adverbial clauses in my writing to make more sense.And interesting because I never knew what it was or what it's purpose was.
In this activity adverbial clauses activity I had to... identify the adverbial clause in each sentence and then compare my answers with the correct answers that were on a different page overall I got all of them correct.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Te Reo reflection.
Term 2 Te Reo Reflection
Extended Abstract
I can say 1-5 words about celebrations in te Reo Maori.
With help, I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations, using te Reo Maori.
I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori.
I can ask and answer a range of questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori. I can teach others these questions and answers.
In Te Reo this term I have been learning about using vocabulary around food (Kai) and celebrations (Ngā hākari)
Here are some sentences, with English translation in brackets, that I can say confidently (list 3-4).
1.He pai ki a koe nga/te aporo-do you like apples.
2.he pai ki a koe te/nga ropere-do you like apples.
3.He aha te mea pai ki a koe kei to pati-what do you like about your party.
4.He mea pai ki ahau te/nga__________ -I like ...................[you say what you like in after you have said ................... in the empty space.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
I can describe the characteristics of music of song
harmony-there are a happy song and sad song and notes that are played at once.
melody-notes that are played together and the part that gets stuck in your head.
rhythm.-the speed of the song.
timbre.-the special sound/ how it is unique.
form- how the song is put together.
music worksheet.
I can describe the characteristics of music of song
harmony-there are a happy song and sad song and notes that are played at once.
melody-notes that are played together and the part that gets stuck in your head.
rhythm.-the speed of the song.
timbre.-the special sound/ how it is unique.
form- how the song is put together.
music worksheet.
Friday, 17 June 2016
leadership 2 excellence
Today Nick,Molly Anne and I taught our lesson we had planned 2 weeks ago we had A new classroom. We taught room 15 mrs spices class the plan we had planned went alright but I think we could have done better, the activity we had is first we watched a short video to do with habitats since that is what we are teaching after that we let them draw a animal to do with the backround we had given them e.g ocean and then the animal would be whale.
over all we had 3 rotations and to make the kids more motivated i cut little green paper squares with smile faces to get them more motivated and focused.
THE CARE VALUE I SHOWED WAS:Excellence by just trying my best to teach and getting involved in my group also I think next time try something new and a teach them something new that expands on habitats.
over all we had 3 rotations and to make the kids more motivated i cut little green paper squares with smile faces to get them more motivated and focused.
THE CARE VALUE I SHOWED WAS:Excellence by just trying my best to teach and getting involved in my group also I think next time try something new and a teach them something new that expands on habitats.
Library 1 excellence.
Today Tracy,Sasha and I did library we have library every Friday but I think I am going to change my day pretty soon.
First we started by putting the books away I first put all the chapter books away after I returned my book and got a new one I have lately being in to the nz books by deborah.
Secondly I issued some books and retuned them.
At last I learnt how to reserve book while mrs ward was teaching Tatiana I think since I learnt this I will use when I come to the library.
C.A.R.E: I think i showed activethinking by learning something new I think I also showed community by all of us taking turns and all of us having a fair chance at everything.
First we started by putting the books away I first put all the chapter books away after I returned my book and got a new one I have lately being in to the nz books by deborah.
Secondly I issued some books and retuned them.
At last I learnt how to reserve book while mrs ward was teaching Tatiana I think since I learnt this I will use when I come to the library.
C.A.R.E: I think i showed activethinking by learning something new I think I also showed community by all of us taking turns and all of us having a fair chance at everything.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
pals Exellence 2
Today Tracy Alex and I did pals for the Kakano we played the game cone up cones down which we learnt from a fitness session in our classes I think the kids really enjoyed it because the we had put them in to teams of boy's vs girls which made it more competitive and challenging in mt perspective running a game for little kids is easier to handle/run.
The leadership value I showed was by taking a kid when they got injured and taking them to a duty teacherv and not leaving them a lone.
The leadership value I showed was by taking a kid when they got injured and taking them to a duty teacherv and not leaving them a lone.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
leadership #1 excellence.
Today for buddy program we had to meet our new classes we were going to teach our habitat lessons to my classroom was rm 15 we pretty much just met and they showed us around and about there learning we also went outside so they could show us there skills.
C.A.R.E value I showed: resilience because I had to read in front of the kids and some seniors because my buddy really wanted me to.
1.first,we just went to our buddy's classroom and got peered up with a junior kid
2.after, they showed us what they were proud of. my buddy was a bit annoying and only showed me how good she was at using the iPad to take photos of different people.
3.later, we went outside and just had a play on the playground.
I think i showed leadership by being resilient and not getting frustrated.
C.A.R.E value I showed: resilience because I had to read in front of the kids and some seniors because my buddy really wanted me to.
1.first,we just went to our buddy's classroom and got peered up with a junior kid
2.after, they showed us what they were proud of. my buddy was a bit annoying and only showed me how good she was at using the iPad to take photos of different people.
3.later, we went outside and just had a play on the playground.
I think i showed leadership by being resilient and not getting frustrated.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
pals excellence #1
yesterday for pals Alex Tracy and I ran a game of strategy a version of capture the flag for the kauri team we had a game of girls verse boys it went well I think I showed respect by being patient when explaining the rules.
1.we set up the game it was a bit hard since some of the boys interfered while playing soccer.
2.we tried to find some kids who wanted to play luckily we had a range of people.
3.we explained the rules but some people were not listening but we came up with a way to get them more motivated to be quiet by pozis.
4.last, we played the game we decided to join but mainly just ran the game.
overall I think the game went well but it could have been better if we chose a better spot were it was not crowded.
I think I showed leadership by motivating the kids to play the game.
1.we set up the game it was a bit hard since some of the boys interfered while playing soccer.
2.we tried to find some kids who wanted to play luckily we had a range of people.
3.we explained the rules but some people were not listening but we came up with a way to get them more motivated to be quiet by pozis.
4.last, we played the game we decided to join but mainly just ran the game.
overall I think the game went well but it could have been better if we chose a better spot were it was not crowded.
I think I showed leadership by motivating the kids to play the game.
library 5 merit
last week for library we did not have to much and we were pretty lucky because it was really cold outside I think I showed community by just doing my job and being kind when people do not want to go when the library is closing.
leadership 5 merit
Today me and a bunch of other people decided to play predator behind rooms 11,10.9 and it was really fun. But we had to deal with cheating and plus the rain and gloominess did not help but over all I think I got involved and played safe.
leadership 4 merit
Today we had to plan out what we wanted for our next lesson for the kids me and Hailey planned out a math up it was a bit hard to both agree and get everything done on rime but we were resilient.
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
library 4
Today we had library I helped out with Tracy and Aleesha because I missed my own I showed community by helping putting books away and not just push or shove them in I put them in respectfully.
library 3
Today me and Amelia had librarian we had to put books away and issue books we also showed respect by when having to pack up I said to the kids respectfully.
library 2
Today we had library I was with Amelia we pretty much just put away books and issued books I think I showed community by making sure everything was clean and tidy and packing up on time.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
pals 5
Today Alex Tracy and I had pals to be honest I think we had the most sucessfull session ever we had a good game of soccer I think i showed community by making sure everyone got even turns and we also managed to give everyone pozis.
Friday, 13 May 2016
habitats lesson planning.
W.A.L.T: to learn about and know learn about habitats.
the learner qualities i showed were being resilient because some kids were not exactly listning.
the learner qualities i showed were being resilient because some kids were not exactly listning.
Introduction (How will we introduce the book or use the book?)
| |
Main part of the lesson (What questions will we ask the students? What activity will they do?)
15 minutes
What are your fav animals.
What are habitats and where different animals live[ocean,land,fly,snow.]show them pictures on slide.if time draw fav animal.
Conclusion (How will we end our lesson?)
5 minutes
Ask questions on the topic and reflect on what we have learnt.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
leadership must do number 3 merit
Today we had koru games we have koru games every Thursday I am involved in the volleyball group.
I showed excellence by trying my best at getting the ball over the net and i also showed community by cheering for everyone.something I really need to improve on is probably getting the ball over the net and not ducking when the ball comes to me or near so i am able to dig,set or spike.
over all I like the sport I am in I really like the fact we can either lean a new sport or improving on the sport we already play.
I showed excellence by trying my best at getting the ball over the net and i also showed community by cheering for everyone.something I really need to improve on is probably getting the ball over the net and not ducking when the ball comes to me or near so i am able to dig,set or spike.
over all I like the sport I am in I really like the fact we can either lean a new sport or improving on the sport we already play.
P.A.L.S number 5
This week for pals luckily we were able to choose who we want to go with.I decided to go with Tracy and Alex we were on Kakano we only brought out some hoops the kids loved the it.
I showed leadership by making sure no one got hurt and also playing safely by making sure no gets injured.CARE VALUES I SHOWED: community because i tired to give everyone pozis and get involved.
I showed leadership by making sure no one got hurt and also playing safely by making sure no gets injured.CARE VALUES I SHOWED: community because i tired to give everyone pozis and get involved.
Monday, 2 May 2016
I can describe the structure of a Short Story
Something I have learned about the structure of short stories is: that it is but has everything that is in a novel but shorter.e.g a problem.
After reading some short stories two things I will remember when I write my own short story are to keep it short and make sure it still has everything included.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
WALT: apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.
Improvisation techniques that I have used successfully are,.........listen/go with the flow so it is easy for the next person and I also practised being on the spot.
Improvisation techniques that I would like to have more practice at……thinking on the spot and not copping ideas.
The thing that I enjoyed most about this unit of learning was……..because…….is the alphabet improv games and family portraits.
The thing that I found most challenging during this unit of learning was……...because………name rap because it was hard to rhyme the names.
My favourite improv game was……...because……..alpahabet game because it was funny and easy.
My next step/ something I need to work on further in improvisation is…….because talking in front of everyone or small audiences.
P.A.L.S number 4
Today for pals which stands for physical activity leaders.Mel Nick and I ran a game of french cricket,we did not have much people but the game was a success.we did not have to do much because everyone knew how to play. the learner qualities I showed were getting involved not just watching but atcully playing and playing by the rules.overall it was a good game.
term 1 Integrated Learning - Leadership
We have been learning all about What makes a good leader.
We identified that good leaders show 6 main character traits. These are Integrity/trustworthy/resilient/goal focused/active thinker/motivational.
The leadership trait that I think I show the most is goal focused because I get everything done on time and properly.
The leadership trait I would most like to develop is resilient because sometimes when I am in the pit it is a big struggle to get out and not give up.
Something NEW I have learned about leadership is that it is someone who motivates people or individuals to reach their goals.
The SOLO level that I reached during this unit of learning is extended abstract because
(see slide 2 of the leadership modelling book for this) I can evaluate the effectiveness of a leader
My next step in learning about leadership is to apply everything that I have learned about leadership to my own leadership roles.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
leadership.number 2 merit
This week I got involved and showed the respect care values by taking turns on the play ground because the bars are very popular.Also me and Alex and Tracy also like to try different things so we can stretch out if our comfort zone.overall I think my play times have been better than last years.
library. 3
Today me and Amelia had library.We have library every Tuesday it is a pretty fun job but the closing is pretty hard.Because some people wont go out but the key is to be respect full but sometimes people wont listen.But overall it is a fin job getting to put away books and issue books.
Monday, 11 April 2016
W.A.L.T :Present an improvised drama performance.
I can...
apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.
Think back to your improvisation performances…..
Reflect on these using the two prompts below.
Improvisation techniques that I have used successfully.
Improvisation techniques that I would like to use better/ more.
Going with the flow.
Practice being on the spot.
Understanding all of theese.
To think faster.
Trust be confident.
What did you enjoy most about this unit of learning?
All of the improvisation warm ups e.g name rap.
What did you find most challenging during this unit of learning?
Thinking on the spot because you had to go with the flow and try to keep the conversation going.
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