Friday, 28 July 2017

Term 2 Book Review ( Maze Runner )

This story is about a group of boys, trapped in a maze with a task of trying to solve it to get out of there .They live in a glade.A place were they are safe from what lays in the maze.They are given supplies to survive on and each person has a job: cooks, gardeners ,animal care/slaughter, cleaning people and the most important the runners who every day go out into the maze in hope of trying to find out Thomas a boy who arrives has a funny feeling he has been here before; but soon settles in.But not long after a girl named Teresa comes and everything changes.
This is a really good book and full of mystery and fantasy.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Current Events Term 2, 2017

WALT: I can successfully research a current event.
Here is a link to our online modelling book for this unit of learning.

The National Standard that I have been aiming for during this unit of learning is:

  • Year 9/10: I can read in different ways to find and/or understand information that that is not immediately easy to access or is not organised in familiar ways.

Each week we have read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read.  After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.

Here is some evidence of my learning.

My Next Step is to continue to  apply the reading and  research skills that I have learned in a variety of other areas.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Excellence #9 basketball.

Today It was the last day of school for this term (Friday).The teachers versed the yr 7/8 basketball.All of us practiced at  morning tea  and then at around 12:00 firstly, the Monday team went on; which I am not in.We had to roll on subs so when ever someone wanted to go on then they would go on or if someone got tired then they would come off and someone would go on for them.After a while, at around 12:15 the Friday team went on (which was me) But I was not on for the fist part but I did get to go on after, a bit.The teachers were winning by a quite a bit Mr Si got most of the shots in and he got quite a few half courts.Along with Mr Si, Mr Hillary, Mr Brown, Mr Ladbrook,Mr Rule, Mr Mc Avan, Ms Nichols,Mr Forman and a couple other teachers played.At one point I got really hurt in the eye because i fell down with the ball but my eye hit Mr Mc Avans knee.Overall this was a really fun game.

I think I showed community by playing by the rules and cheering for everyone.

Drama excellence # 8

Today for drama we filmed our production of a silent movie.As, Mr Muller was not here Mrs Casey filmed them for us.Today, because of the open day we had to do it at different times and fit everyone in and still let the people part of performances make it to their commitments. When, it was our turn we went over to rm 20 and Mrs Casey filmed us.But before that we got to practice which was very useful as it gave us a idea on how much space we have and was just a good rehearsal.While we were filming we had some difficulties because personally the space was a lot smaller than we got told we had so the chase bit was a bit hard.Overall I think we did alright and that we all knew what to do something hat I think that could make it better would be if we used better facial expressions and not laughed as much but other than that I think we did alright.

I think I showed Excellence by trying my best and just doing it.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Excellence home leaning #5

For this home learning challenge I decided to do R8 Research food from another culture. Prepare a dish from this culture and serve it to your family.
I decided to research about the Japanese culture because I knew very little about it .

Here is a couple of facts about this culture:

1.. Japanese cuisine is one of only three national food traditions recognized by the UN for its cultural significance

.2.The seafood industry is HUGE

3. Simplicity is key.

4. It is rude to leave a messy plate.

Here is a doc where I did some more research:Research doc.

Here is a picture on the dish I decided to make: Sushi.


Blog Title: Term 2 Novel Study

 This term I have been reading and studying the novel See ya, Simon.

I found this novel Interesting because it was full of humor and sadness.This novel also had really good description making you feel like you were there ; as well as a good moral being appreciating the good things in life while you can and acceptance and friendship.Another part I like was you wanted to keep reading because you wanted to find out what happens.
During the novel I had to complete a thinking map which shows that I can classify how the author has shown the theme of the book.

National Standard this covers

Year 9/10 Standard
    • I can locate, evaluate, analyse and summarize information and ideas within texts and across a range of texts.
    • I have a large vocabulary that is connected to my own knowledge about the world and includes: - academic e.g observe vs watch - subject-specific (specific words about a subject (e.g feline) - technical terms (specialized vocabulary of a particular field.)
Overall I would give this novel a rating of  _______/10 9 and I would / would not (highlight in green the one that applies to you)  recommend it to others to read because it is aimed at young adults and is a really good book about kids our age ( 12/13 and high school students.) And because it has a tons of humorous parts as well as sad parts.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Technology ( Excellence #5 )

This week for Technology I was in Design and Textile. Today, we were prototyping; but before that we had to complete a sheet about stakeholders and a planning sheet.Once, we started prototyping I decided to make a Texture book for my younger sister this was very fun as we had different materials and we could get a idea of the outcome.But before that we were on tinker cad which is a 3D printing website we can use to design things we want to print.We had to design a Dice with dots or numbers on it I decided to do with numbers.Once we did we prototype, when prototyping we had to fill out this sheet on how/why this could solve our problem/need.I personally enjoyed prototyping as we could get creative and get a picture of what we are doing and most importantly if it works and if it suits it's purpose.Once we were done we lined till the teachers came and then waited for all the other groups to come and finally, we went back to school.

I think I showed Respect by being quiet on the bus and listening to my teacher in design and textiles. 

Term 2 arts Drama.

In ARTS this term we have been learning to:
Select and use techniques and relevant technologies to develop drama practice.
Here is a link to our online modelling book.

  • During this unit of learning we:
  • Described the characteristics of silent performances.
  • Identified different techniques used in silent performances.
  • Used these techniques in a variety of different practice situations.
  • Worked in a small group to put together our own silent performance.

The most challenging part of this unit of learning was trying to express what we trying to say because we were not allowed to talk.

The two things that I enjoyed the most were:
  1.  Getting to make up a story and over act.
  2.  Using different facial expressions to express what we are trying to say.

The story that my group told silently was .... It was about a chase which was for all of us.Our group decided the chase was going to be on a toy being stolen,and about three sisters.

Overall I think my group worked Very well, because, everyone in our group agreed and we all communicated and practiced well without mucking about.