Friday, 30 June 2017

Construct and describe simple loci.

W.A.L.T : Construct and describe simple loci

I found trying to remember the formula for each of the questions e.g what is the area if the radius is 2.
I learnt: how to find the area and circumference for a circle and how to/the formula.

Here is a link to my Extended abstract task :Here is a link to my extended abstract task and Here is a link to my relational task where I had to compare circumference and areas working out.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Student led conference 2017.

C.V. Blog Post Template

In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae.

A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have,  rather than our work history.

Here is a link to our online Modelling Book that shows the process we have followed.

Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:

  1. It has very formal and neat so that, your employs will predict you are a very organised and self managed; which will make them want to employee you.

  1.  Having experience is very useful as it can give you a lot of skills.

  1. Make sure your spelling and grammar correctly and include all your personal, useful and secondary training experiences. 

Here is a link to my Skills based Curriculum Vitae. Here is a link to my C.V

Monday, 12 June 2017

Te Hapua Excellence. # 3

This week everyone class in the year 7/8 hub moved to a new group for either Te Hapua,Buddy program or garden to table.I was In term 1 Buddy program and have now moved to Te Hapua;in Te Hapua we learn about robotics and coding.We get divided in to two groups and for four weeks each we stars by either going to coding or robotics and then switch around.My first four weeks is going to be in coding.At first I thought that coding was going to be very boring and hard to do.But as I learnt more and more,I found it quite interesting for the first week we had to make a small digital presentation were we had to make it so it told people about us and our hobbies.The website we used to make this is a coding website called Scratch.I really enjoyed it although I did fid it a little bit difficult as I am not very good with computer related stuff.

The care value I showed was Respect as I  respected our teacher who was Helen who is going to be teaching us for the remaining three weeks

Peer mediation #3

This week for peer mediation Milan,Andrei and I had our duty on the second half of Wednesday lunch.We had to change our days as My class (room 27 ) had Te Hapua every Friday which was my original day I was normally on.This week only Milan and I did it because Andrei did not show up; we got our vest and lanyards from the previous group and started to walk around.We mostly try walk near the junior area because, it is a area where we mostly get our problem and we barely get any around the kauri area.We got pretty much no problems to deal with but just got the odd couple of kids asking us to solve a problem like someone saying that this person is behind the classrooms and it was easy as saying just not to go there.

This week I showed TRUSTWORTHY because I showed up on time for my duty and did it,this shows trustworthiness as the teachers trust us to do our duty.