Monday, 17 April 2017

Home learning excellence #3

For this home learning challenge I chose R9  Offer to help around home without being asked. 15 times. Document what you have done. completed this challenge over the course of 1 week for a variety of things.Here is my doc.
my doc to were I recorded my evidince.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Evaluate statistical investigations or probability activities

In Maths we have been learning to:

  • Evaluate statistical investigations or probability activities undertaken by others including data collection methods, choice of methods and validity of findings.

Here is a link to our online modelling book that supports this learning.

Here is some evidence of my learning.

A part of this learning that I found challenging was The extend Abstract task as It took me a while to understand some of the questions. But overall I find it was not to difficult,The only thing I did not understand was firstly explaining the how the statistics quoted against the raw data.But overall I think the IXL activities were really helpful.

My next step is to continue to apply this knowledge of statistics and probability in a variety of real world situations and contexts.

Current events term 1

Current Events Term 1

In Current Events I covered these topics:
  • The design of the Halswell Skate Park and I made a submission to the council.
  • Donald Trump’s Refugee Plan
  • Christchurch Earth Memorial
  • The new Ngā Puna Wai Sports Facility
  • The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan with a submission to the council.

My favourite topic was The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan.because we could think creatively put our ideas forward and think about something were we don't have any restrictions e.g design a mall.So that is why this was my favourite.

Here is the Link the Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan.

The Reading National Standards I have achieved are

  • Year 9/10
    • As I read I can make decisions about the usefulness of the text for the purpose - Eg: by using a variety of criteria to evaluate

Monday, 10 April 2017

Visual language.

Term 1 novel study.

Term 1 Novel Study

This term I have been reading and studying the novel Dragon keeper by Carol Wilkinson.

I found that this novel was really gripping as it had quite a lot of cliff hangers and it was a book that you at a time just don't want to finish as it is really good and has a lot of proverbs like all answers all answers lie beyond the gate of experience.

During the novel I had to complete two major assessment tasks. The first is an Explain Map which shows the consequences of a major event in the book. The second was a Describe++ Map (Inference map) which shows I how I have connected prior knowledge and other experiences to what I have been reading to make an inference.

National Standard this covers
  • Year 9/10 Standard
    • I can monitor my understanding as it develops during my reading, and adjust my strategies to address any comprehension problems Eg: If I don’t understand a passage I have read I can re-read it, read-on, use pictures or diagrams, or explore the meaning of some of the vocabulary.
    • I can use strategies to analyse ideas and information and to reflect critically on the meaning I am gaining from my reading. (Eg: I can think about the meaning of the information and ideas and how this fits with what I think)

Excellence 2 Leadership

This week we had tech like every week we always have it on a Thursday.I am now in the science group wich is our second group for the year our teacher is Mr Ruseon.I am really looking forward to this pentad as I really like science and overall learning about how science works.Unfortunately It had been raining the whole week and it ws also today.his made morning tea at tech really hard as we only got to go just outside our classroom and only got some fresh air but it was better than nothing.I think this made it hard as people were full of energy but were not able to let there energy out wich made them a little energetic for class but other wise was pretty fun.We just chose the element of the day rb wich is the sybol for rubidium.Rubidium is a really powerfull solid.

Overall I think I showed respect as I was really resoectfull to the teacher.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Excellence home learning #2

For this home learning challeng I chose C3 and I taught my sister Hiba how to use Canva we made a Birthday cards my sister,the  name Bob I  made up but the age was refering to my brother as he will be 3 soon.Here is a snapshot of the card we made.

leadership excellence #1.

This thursday as per usual I had Technology except this week there were no Year 7s exept the people who did not go. Wich means while going there the bus was  not only more emptier but alot quiter.
Whiles going there we Mrs Stinston but on the way back she was not on our bus but on bus 2 as I am on bus 1.while going there it was alright but when coming back as Mrs stinson was not on our bus was a little bit noisy but not to noisy because the bus driver did not have to stop or remind us about our noise level.Overall at technoly it was also really fun I am In the  design and texttiles group I made a Apron which had a base whith colorfull sheep and my name printed on it as well which in my opinion made it look more profesional and better.This was our last week in each of our pentades.
I am really looking forward to our next session  tech as it is the higlight of my week.

The care value I showed was Active thinkig because I came up with the design by myself abou the apron and adding my name to my apron.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Home learning excellence #1

For this home learning project I decided to choose one from respect R6
here is the doc where I compare China and Pakistan.
link to doc.